Call for Fall Workshop Proposals
Deadline: September 15 Fall Workshop Proposal Form
Back to School! We’re compiling a fantastic line-up of engaging, creative, affordable workshops for the fall. Artists who have experience with teaching are encouraged to apply, but it’s not required. Workshops are not limited to visual art; music, theater, dance, etc. are all viable proposal options.
Workshops will be held within the Waterbury area, but we cannot guarantee access to special facilities or materials such as easels, manipulation of lighting in the space, or industrial ventilation. We encourage all applicants to assume their workshop will be held in a space with large tables, chairs, power outlets, trashcans and a nearby sink. As a result of these space limitations, we’ll be more likely to accept proposals that use non-toxic materials. Proposals for outdoor workshops are welcome, but would of course be weather-dependent.
Each month, Across Roads interviews a local artist for the Artist Spotlight feature of our newsletter. For September, October and November we plan to feature a selection of our teaching artists to further introduce you to the Across Roads community and encourage workshop attendance. Workshops will also be advertised on our website and Facebook pages, in the Waterbury Record and other local calendar listings both printed and online.
Please note – we are only accepting proposals for single-day workshops for this fall series. Proposals for classes that meet over a series of weeks will be considered for future workshop opportunities.
You may submit up to two proposals. There is no fee for submitting a proposal. Proposals must be received no later than SEPTEMBER 15, 2015 for consideration. Proposals that are not accepted for this season will be kept on file for future consideration.